Rain gun Sprinklers

Our rain gun sprinklers for sale in Kenya specifications are of the new generation of high-volume, high-pressure rain gun sprinklers…

Long Range Rain Gun Sprinkler

Our long range rain gun sprinkler models irrigate large acreage of horticulture, fruit, corn, wheat, barley, canola, and potato crops.…

Garlic Irrigation Farming In Kenya

Garlic irrigation farming in Kenya is undertaken using drip irrigation systems, overhead irrigation, or the newer rain hose irrigation system.…

Potato Farming in Kenya

Potato farming in Kenya through irrigation is done by overhead sprinklers, rain hose kits, or drip irrigation. Grekkon Limited trains…

Coffee Irrigation Farming Requirements

Coffee irrigation  farming requirements depends several factors. These factors determine the best irrigation system for coffee a grower will adopt.…

Water Sprinkler Irrigation

Grekkon Limited is an irrigation equipment supplier in Kenya. We design, supply, and install all types of water sprinkler irrigation…

Watermelon Farming And Irrigation In Kenya

Watermelon farming and irrigation in Kenya is by every commercial farmer. Grekkon Limited offers solutions on how to irrigate watermelon…

Cabbage Irrigation Farming In Kenya

Cabbage irrigation farming in Kenya is through drip irrigation, sprinkler systems irrigation, and rain hose kits irrigation. Cabbage farming through…

Pawpaw or Papaya Irrigation Farming

Grekkon Limited’s pawpaw or papaya  irrigation farming systems are for commercial pawpaw growing in Kenya. Button drip, and the conventional…

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