Avocado Drip Irrigation Farming
Grekkon Limited’s avocado drip irrigation farming systems are for commercial avocado farming in Kenya. Button drip is the best irrigation system for avocado trees in whichever location. Commercial avocado production in Kenya is largely through irrigation.
Avocado varieties do not determine the irrigation method adopted. However, avocado spacing in Kenya has an effect on the irrigation system cost. Avocado yield per acre is significantly higher under irrigation than with the traditional rain-fed method. With a button drip irrigation system, avocado fertigation is possible. Grekkon Limited technical teams advise farmers on how to irrigate avocado in Kenya
Avocado irrigation farming requirement with button drip systems
- The mainline supplies water from the source. Your avocado irrigation water source will be either a reservoir, a river, a well, or a tank. The size of the HDPE or PVC pipe will depend on your acreage. A farmer with 10 acres will take a larger main pipe than one with a half-acre of avocado trees
- A sub-mainline will deliver water from the mainline to the 16mm HDPE pipes that serve the avocado tree
- A button dripper connected to the 16mm HDPE line to directly irrigate the tree
Benefits of Avocado Drip Irrigation Farming
- It is water efficient because it uses 70% less water than sprinkler irrigation
- The system is easy to install and maintain
- It requires just one individual to run it over very large acreage
- Every button dripper will meet the tree’s water need as adjusted
How to irrigate an avocado tree
1. Check the soil moisture
Assess your soil moisture to a depth of 10 cm. If it is all dry, it is time to irrigate your avocado tree
2. Assess the state of your avocado crop
Do the leaves droop and seem water-stressed? Then proceed to irrigate
3. Avocado drip irrigation system management
Irrigate according to the various blocks. Move to irrigate the next block after the soil is fully moist but not overflowing with water
Avocado Drip Irrigation Farming FAQs
1. What is the cost of avocado irrigation in Kenya
- Button drip irrigation system is from Kes 75,000 an acre
- Pre-perforated drip tapes of 0.8mm – 1mm thick, from Kes 85,000 an acre
- Rain gun sprinkler irrigation system or rain hose irrigation kit is Kes 55,000 an acre
- Micro sprinkler irrigation is from Kes 125,000 per acre
2. How do you irrigate an avocado tree?
Use a button drip irrigation system as defined above or a rain gun sprinkler system as below
3. Do avocado trees need a lot of water?
Yes, they do need plenty of water, especially during the flowering period, through to the end of fruiting.
4. How often should I water my Hass avocado tree?
In the dry season, water the fruit tree twice or thrice a week. During the wet season, irrigate only when it dries
5. Can you over-water an avocado tree?
Yes you can which will lead to root rot
6. What does an over-watered avocado tree look like?
The leaves will be small and pale. Then they will turn yellow. The fruits too are tiny and few.
7. Does the avocado tree like water?
Yes it does
8. How many litres of water does an avocado tree need?
Mature avocado trees need 4 liters of water weekly. Younger trees need more water to establish a good root system.
Send me quote for irrigation of 260 trees
Good morning Mwangi,
For your 260 avocado drip irrigation system cost, share with us your crop spacing
Best regards,
Customer Service
Hi, kindly send me a quote for drip irrigation kit for 1ha to my WhatsApp (+260967737120) or my email add for each of the following:
1. Dwarf avocado trees (816 trees 3.5m by 3.5 spacing)
2. Dwarf mango trees (674 trees 3m by 2m spacing)
3. Apple trees (1,111 trees 3m by 3m spacing)
Good evening Kelvin,
Our commercial team will share a button drippers price quote for each in USD via whatsapp and email
Best regards,
Customer Service
I would to know the best drip irrigation for advocado. My mobile number is+255714913392
Dear Clemence,
Button drip irrigation is the best way to do it. Liz from our Nairobi office will call you to explore this.
Best regards,
Customer Service
Hey, i want to plant avocados in two parcel of land each 50acres. Each parcel has a borehole and an erected water tank. Kindly give a quotation for drip irrigation. Thanks
Dear Paul,
Thank you for your inquiry. To give an accurate avocado drip irrigation kit quote for such acreage, a site visit is necessary to lay out the irrigation system design in order to generate an accurate quote for you. Please share your phone contact on info@grekkon.com
Best regards,
Customer Service
Hello. I want to do 6 to 7 acres of Hass avocado to be ready by October rains. My land is flat of black cotton soil. I will be using water in a huge water pan in the same piece of land. I prefer drip irrigation system for efficient water use- that is if the cost will allow. Please advise me. Regards. Dominic.
Hi, how much for Venturi fertigation system.
Please send me a quote of drip irrigation kit for 2ha each of the following:
banana (2200 trees)
avocado (714 trees)
medjool dates (250 trees)
papaya (4628 trees).
Kind regards
App no. +267 71864116
Dear Ronan,
Good evening and thank you for your enquiry. We have reached out to you via WhatsApp for further details that’ll help us draw you a detailed avocado drip irrigation system quote.
Best regards,
Customer Service