As a borehole drilling company in Kenya, we offer a package that has the following in it;

  1. Mobilisation. This is the borehole drilling rig’s movement, equipment and labor to the site where the well is to be sunk
  2. Borehole drilling. This is the actual process of sinking a well in the ground in order to obtain water. The depth of sinking depends on the reading of the hydro-geological survey report. This report states the depth, amount of water expected and the geological structure of the soil and rock underneath. The normal size of the borehole is 8 inches in diameter, but the surface section is 10 inches.
  3. Casing. We line the walls of the borehole with mild steel casings to keep the wall from collapsing through out the lifetime of the borehole. Continuous steel casing are used all over except where the aquifer(s) is located, where in this case we use slotted casings to allow for water percolation into the drilled well.
  4. Graveling. It is the application of gravel sand between the borehole walls and the mild steel casings. Gravel filters soil and other impurities, and keeps the casings firmly in position.


Borehole Drilling Company In Kenya; Grekkon Limited

Borehole Drilling Company In Kenya: Procedure

Our procedure for borehole drilling service to a client is as follows;

  1. Client submission of the hydro-geological survey report for our review
  2. Client submission of licenses and permits; WARMA, NEMA and county government for our review
  3. Physical site visit for logistics assessment
  4. Generation of a detailed quote


As a borehole drilling company in Kenya, Grekkon Limited’s agronomy team designs a crop irrigation system for all borehole clients without charge. We provide a detailed crop growing program and offer on the ground agronomy support for the first season of the crop. Our borehole drilling service is available in any of our stores countrywide. They are located in Nairobi, Eldoret and Nyeri.

Comments (29)

  • Kindly give quote for bore hole drilling in Kisumu west (chulaimbo area). Quote should be all inclusive and

    Micanor Julius Tombo Ogonda
    • Good afternoon Micanor,

      For your borehole drilling quote, please share with us your hydrogeological survey report on

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • What is the average price to drill a borehole please?

    • Good morning Georgia,

      The range is from Kes 6,500 through Kes 11,500 depe dependng on the location and borehole drilling method

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Hi,
    I do not have a hydrogeolocal survey report, I would like someone to contact me
    to discuss a solar powered borehole in Kilifi county please.
    Thank you

    • Good evening Sue,

      This is noted. Please share your contact number on

      Best regards,
      Customer Service


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