Best Borehole Drilling Company


Best borehole drilling company

As the best borehole drilling company in Kenya, we not only drill wells but thoroughly guide farmers on what is needed to procure borehole drilling services from Grekkon Limited. When the borehole is complete, we provide a borehole water pump that evacuates water to a storage unit. Our borehole pumps are submersible solar or electric types. In this piece, we provide a breakdown of the average cost of drilling a borehole in Kenya depending on the drilling method adopted


Best borehole drilling company- Grekkon Limited

A Grekkon Limited’s borehole drilling rig in Yatta, Machakos county

Requirements for drilling a borehole in Kenya

1. Hydro-geological survey

  • Conduction of a hydro-geological survey to establish the water potential of an area. It provides; the point of drilling, depth, rock structure and the approximate amount of water present beneath. The latter is determined by assessing the yield of neighboring boreholes. This is a day’s job depending on the size of the area being surveyed. Geo-physical instruments are used to carry out this. The methods of survey are;  resistivity method, vertical electrical sounding (VES), and horizontal electrical profiling (HEP)
  • Review of the hydro-geological survey report
  • The cost of a hydro-geological survey in Kenya is Kes 115,000. This cost covers payments for all permits and licenses

      The client must provide these documents for Water Resource Management Authority (WARMA) permit processing.

  1. The land title deed proving ownership or the sale agreement if the land transfer isn’t complete from the previous owner
  2. His/her identification card for individuals or the company registration certificate and CR12 for corporates
  3. The personal identification number (PIN) certificate 

2. Licenses and permits

  • Client submission of licenses and permits from; WARMA, National environmental management authority (NEMA), and the county government (if the county government must approve)

3. Site visit

  • Physical site visit for logistics assessment

4. Payment

  • Generation of a detailed quote
  • Down-payment of 75% of the total amount


Our borehole drilling price in Kenya varies with the drilling method, which is determined by the rock structure. Below is an indicative price tabulation

Borehole Drilling Price In Kenya

Drilling Method
What it entails
Price in KES Per Meter
1. Air drillingDrilling on stable ground that has a proper rock formation beneathKES 6,700
2. Mud drillingDrilling on loose ground that has no or minimal rock beneath

KES 13,050

What To look Out For When Drilling  A Borehole

i. Proximity from other boreholes

ii. Availability of electric power

iii. The slope of the land

Cost of Drilling A Borehole in Kenya

 ProcessCost Per Meter- Air drilling methodCost Per Meter- Mud drilling method
1MobilisationKES 420KES 420
2DrillingKES 3,220KES 9,470
3CasingKES 2,269KES 2,569
4GravelingKES 280KES 180
5Well developmentKES 70KES 70
6Test pumpingKES 420KES 320
7Water chemical analysisKES 21KES 21
 TotalKES 6,700KES 13,050


Note that the mobilisation cost varies with the location. The cost of drilling a borehole in Nakuru will be different from the cost of drilling a borehole in Wajir


Borehole water pump cost in Kenya

A sample test pumping report


water analysis report

A sample water analysis report


Borehole drilling in Mogotio area, Baringo county by Grekkon Limited for community use

How to drill a borehole in Kenya; What the drilling cost entails

  1. Mobilisation

    This is the transfer to the well site of the rig, equipment, and labor. We cost mobilisation by distance. A borehole project 500kms away from our office will pay more for mobilisation than one that is 50kms away. Mobilisation costs allow for bush clearing and site preparation costs. This is to ready the borehole drilling site for the drilling rig and all other heavy equipment

  2. Borehole drilling

    This is the actual process of sinking a well in the ground in order to obtain water. The depth of sinking depends on the reading of the hydro-geological survey report. This report states the depth, amount of water expected, and the geological structure of the soil and rock underneath. The common size of the borehole well is 8 inches in diameter, but the surface section is 10 inches. Some wells are larger, going up to 14 inches in diameter

  3. Casing

    We line the walls of the borehole with mild steel or polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) casings. This is to keep the wall from collapsing throughout the lifetime of the borehole. We install 4mm – 4.5mm thick steel casings where the well has boulders, and where mud drilling is conducted. uPVC casings are installed in wells that lack boulders or that are rich in sand, and the water is highly saline. High salinity causes intense rusting on steel casings over time, hence the preference for uPVC casings in such wells

    There are 2 types of casings

    3.1. Continuous casings. They line the sections where the aquifer(s) is absent. They serve as water storage units because this is where the water is held. Surface casing are set from the mouth of the well downwards to the point where the walls are stronger. It could be as short as 3M, or as deep as 30M. Surface casings are 8″ in diameter

           3.2. Slotted casings. They line the aquifer sections to allow water into the well. The slots are 1mm to 2mm in size

Our installation ratio of continuous and slotted casings is 70:30. This ensures maximum percolation of the water from the aquifer into the borehole

    4. Graveling

           It is the application of gravel sand between the borehole walls and the mild steel casings. Gravel filters soil and other impurities and keeps the casings firmly in position. Our gravel size is 2mm to 4mm, and well rounded

     5. Flushing and capping

            The well is cleaned of all chippings, a process referred to as flushing which is done after casing and also after graveling. Where casing is not carried out, flushing is done too. It is the process of pushing water within the well under intense pressure, then releasing it as a jet from the mouth of the well. Flushing allows optimal water flow from the aquifer to the well, and it precedes test pumping. In a high yielding borehole, the water within the well is used to clean it up. Where the well is low in yield, additional water is sourced for externally and added into the well.


Grekkon Limited’s team flushes a low yield in Lukenya area, Machakos county. Notice the use of additional water from a water bowser on the left


After flushing, the well is sealed at the top with a cap to prevent dirt and other material from getting in

6. Test pumping

           We draw out borehole water for 24 hours. This shows the yield of the well, recharge rate and water level. It is with this report that we determine the right solar or electric submersible water pump. Before the test pumping process, we determine the most suitable test pumping water pump and the right pipe diameter to use based on the estimated volume of water in the well. Our test pumping pipe diameter sizes are installed as;

Estimated Borehole YieldTest Pumping Pipe Diameter
0.5 – 10 cubic litres per hour1″
11 – 25 cubic litres per hour1-1/2″
> 25 cubic litres per hour


Having the right test pumping pump and pipe diameter size is key in achieving the right yield of the well

7. Water chemical analysis

            Laboratory analysis of the chemical composition of the borehole water



A complete borehole design showing all parts

Borehole Drilling Questions

FAQs to Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya

How much is drilling a borehole in Kenya?

As the best borehole drilling company in Kenya, we tailor our price according to the hydro-geological survey result finding

How many meters is a borehole?

From 50M and below, a well qualifies as a borehole

How deep is good borehole?

A good depth one where the most productive aquifers are reached, and with good water quality

What is the average depth of a borehole in Kenya?

None. This is by location only because the variances  are large.

How do you know where to drill a borehole?

Through a hydro-geological survey by an independent hydro-geologist. It determines; water availability at which point, how much water, and at what depth

How many days does it take to drill a borehole?

It depends on the depth and the rock formation

How long does a borehole last?

It lasts in as much as the water table or aquifer remains

What is a good borehole yield?

It depends on water usage. For domestic use, a yield of 2 cubic meters per day is sufficient for a homestead. For farming, a higher yield is better

Can a borehole be drilled anywhere?

No. Only where there is a water aquifer. This is why a hydro-geological survey is conducted to show exactly where the water source is

Can borehole water run out?

Yes it does when the water aquifer dries up

Do I need permission to drill a borehole?

Yes, permission must be sought. 3 certificates and permits are needed in order of priority listed below

  1. Water Resource Management Authority (WARMA) certificate
  2. National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)
  3. County government permit (in counties that demand this)


As the best borehole drilling company, Grekkon Limited’s agronomy team will design a crop irrigation system for all borehole clients without charge. We provide a detailed crop growing program with on the ground agronomy support for the first season of the crop



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Established in 2017, Grekkon Limited is a Kenyan agribusiness company. It specialises in the provision of; - Irrigation systems - Greenhouse construction - Dam liners installation - Water pumps - Solar dryers construction - Agriculture nets - Borehole drilling The company has operations offices in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nyeri, Meru, and Nyahururu

Comments (87)

  • I need one in Siaya county Rarieda sub county

    Moses Oduor Odongo
    • Good evening Moses,

      For your Siaya borehole drilling cost quotation, please share with us your hydrogeological survey report, or if you haven’t done it yet, we’ll do it for you via our Kisumu office

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Hello cost at Maseno 0718656629

    • Good morning Vicky,

      Your borehole drilling cost is from Kes 6,800 per meter. Our team in Kisumu will reach you for details

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • thanks for the good work give me the quote of rehabilitating a saline borehole belonging that belong to a community school and a health dispensary.

    • Good evening Rakita,

      To determine your borehole rehabilitation cost, we need details on the borehole. Please email us your contact number on

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • cost of borehole in Busia please 0727023735

    • Good evening Evans,

      For your borehole drilling cost in Busia, our Kisumu team will call you

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Kindly I needed a borehole in my home in Trans-Nzoia county for both domestic and irrigation kindly advise me 0740907460

    joram kinuthia
    • Good afternoon Joram,

      For your borehole drilling cost, our Eldoret team will call you shortly

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • I need a borehole at my small farm in Embu use the traditional pump,no solar pump,a small 100m will be enough.please advise.0741581195

    Samuel Munene
    • Good morning Samuel,

      Our commercial team will reach to you regarding your borehole drilling cost in Embu

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Request your assistance on the indicative cost of borehole drilling and drip irrigation plumbing works.
    Let me know the details required for a quotation.

    Simon Kabui
    • Good morning Simon,

      For your borehole drilling cost in Kenya quote, please share with us your hydrogeological survey report. If you haven’t conducted one, we’ll do for you

      For a detailed drip irrigation quotation, you’ll either share with us a detailed farm sketch (we’ll guide you on what to input), or we’ll make a physical site assessment visit

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Need a borehole in mutha town in mutomo sub county in kitui county.
    Give me a quote.

    Eric Nthiani
    • Good morning Eric,

      Your borehole drilling cost in Kitui will be shared once we have the hydrogeological survey

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • We would like to drill a borehole in our farm in Narumoro Area of Kieni Sub-County of Nyeri County and another one in Timau in Buuri Sub-County of Meru County. We have a hydrological survey for the Narumoro Farm but none for Timau. Kindly advise us on what should be our next steps in this process.
    MN & Jerusha
    Tel: 0725109152

    MN & Jerusha
    • Good morning Mwenda,

      For your borehole drilling cost quotation in Nyeri, please share with us your hydrogeological survey report on

      Our commercial team will call you to discuss the hydrogeological survey requirements for your Meru site

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Do you have a team at Garissa. Contact me 0721628267. Thanks

    • Good evening Mohamud,

      We will reach to discuss your borehole drilling cost in Garissa

      Best regards,
      Customer Service


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