The best UV-treated black high density polyethylene (HDPE) dam liners in Kenya manufactured for tropical climates are from Grekkon Limited. Our dam liners for sale in Kenya line the walls and floors of water harvesting reservoirs. This is to prevent water loss through seepage into the soil. Changing rainfall patterns and unpredictable seasons are increasingly becoming a norm in Africa. This is why the need for agricultural water conservation is growing amongst farmers. Every farmer practicing irrigation has a water source. Water pans lined with dam liners are a source of irrigation water storage. This water is from a larger source such as a lake, river, or borehole water, and also harvesting rain and run-off water. Besides irrigation of your crop, the fish pond liner on your water pan allows  for commercial or subsistence fish rearing; the former to boost household income, the latter to supplement household protein


Dam liner rolls by Grekkon Limited



HDPE dam liner material cut from a roll and welded to tailor it to the water pan dimensions

Dam Liners In Kenya

 Our dam liners prices in Kenya are either for rolls of 100M length by 8M width, or tailored sizes. We cut liners from the roll and weld them together  so as to tailor the material to the client’s specifications. We factory weld our dam liners to keep them leak-proof during their entire lifetime of use. Leaking is a common occurrence with a  poorly manually welded geomembrane, so we only allow it where it is impractical to factory weld. An example of this is if the liner is too heavy or bulky to carry as a result of it’s size. It will be delivered on site in sizeable pieces which are manually joined  there

In electricity off-grid locations, our manual welding tools are powered with a fuel generator



Positioning Your Water Reservoir For Irrigation

This depends on:

i. The source of water going into the water pan. If  the source is from a lower altitude water source such as a river or lake, the water pan is at an elevated position so that with a water pump, the water is reticulated through irrigation water pipes to the water pan. If the water source is from rain water falling on the roofs or run-off, the water pun is positioned at a lower gradient

ii. Preferred irrigation method. If by sprinkler  irrigation or rain hose kits which require high pressure from a water pump, the water pan will be situated at any point. If by low gravity pressure say for drip or button drip irrigation, then it will be at the highest point of the farm

Dam liners in Kenya FAQs

How much does a pond liner cost in Kenya?

Grekkon Limited’s dam liners prices in Kenya are;

Weight per meter square in KgsPrice per meter square in KES
0.5mm0.46kgKES 255
0.75mm0.88kgKES 355
1mm0.91kgKES 455

What kind of pond liner is best?

The best dam liner to use depends on the volume of water held and the surface type. If it is a large reservoir, a thicker liner is better. If the surface is smooth then a lighter gauge liner will work.

What are the different types of dam liners in Kenya?

  1. By thickness. Our dam liner types in Kenya are 0.5mm, 0.8mm, and 1mm thick. They are in widths to fit the size and shape of the reservoir or tank. Grekkon Limited’s technical team will install it together with the client then test the liner over the next days or weeks.

2. By material type. There is polyvinyl chloride dam liner material (PVC), low density polyethylene material (LDPE), and HDPE or geomembrane material. Grekkon Limited supplies the latter


I. Advantages and disadvantages of  PVC dam liner type

  • Easier to work with than HDPE
  • Resistance to acidic compounds
  • Less dense than HDPE

II. Advantages and disadvantages of  LDPE dam liner type

  • softer and flexible
  • easier to fold, install on rough terrain
  • Less expensive than HDPE
  • Has less tensile strength than HDPE
  • Tears easily compared to HDPE
  • Can stretch out of shape

III. Advantages and disadvantages of  HDPE dam liner type

  • Dense
  • Tougher
  • Has a longer life-span
  • Very low elasticity
  • More difficult to work with


 How is liner thickness determined?

i. The volume of water held. The larger the volume the greater the weight and a thicker liner to support greater weight. A domestic water use tank is lined with a o.5mm dam liner because the weight of the water is not much. A water pan to irrigate 500 acres will be lined with a 0.75mm or 1mm dam liner because the water weight is huge

ii. The wall and floor surface texture. Thicker liners will be on rough surfaces because they are less prone to damage by tearing

Can I put an old pond liner over an old one?

No, you cannot. Remove the old liner then replace it with the new one

How long do pond liners last?

It depends on the thickness. 0.5mm lasts for 12 years, 0.75/ 0.8mm 20 years, and 1mm 35 years. Keeping extend the working life of your liner, keep it under water throughout, and create a fence or hedge around the water pan. The latter keeps away animals from destroying the liner

What material is dam liner?

Our dam liner material is virgin (none recycled) high density polythene (HDPE)

What is the width of a dam liner?

Our dam liner width is 8M

 How to install dam liners in your irrigation water reservoir or water tank

To support the liner in a reservoir, the owner will trench at a distance of 1M all around it. This trench is a foot deep and a foot wide. Once installation within the reservoir is complete, the liner edges are tucked in this trench and covered. This holds the liner in place during its period of use. For the tank, a steel or wooden band will support the liner in the inner tank’s wall for covered tanks, and on the outer tank walls for open water tanks.


dam liners

A dam liner in tank


Grekkon Limited Dam liners Installation on Site

How to calculate your dam liner requirement

The dam liner calculator works according to the shape of the reservoir.

I.  A square or rectangular steep sloped sides

Total length in meters: (length + 2depth + 2meters). Total width in meters: (width + 2depth +2meters). The additional 2 meters on each side are for the overlap which is tucked in a trench for water reservoirs.

For tanks, it’ll be 0.5M. Multiplying the total length with the total width gives the pond liner area in meters

II.  A square or rectangular slanted sides

[Length + (2* slanting height) + (2 meters allowance)] + [Width + (2* slanting height) + (2 meters allowance)]

III. Oval / circular shaped water reservoirs

Diameter + (2height/ depth) + (2 meters allownce)

IV. Oval / circular shaped water tanks

Diameter + (2height/ depth) + (0.5 meters allowance)


How to weld your dam liner

Our dam liners are factory welded with a hot wedger machine. Where the welding must be done on site, a hot blower will do this for 0.5mm to 0.75mm thicknesses. However, for 1mm, a hot wedger machine will be in use on site too


After dam liner installation is complete, fence off the water pan to prevent accidents by drowning when animals or persons fall into the water reservoir


A well fenced water pan after dam liner installation by Grekkon Limited in Kirinyaga county

Comments (246)

  • How to get in Nakuru

    • Good morning Daniel,

      For your dam liner in Nakuru, please share your contact number on email; info@grekkon.co.ke for is to reach you, or call us on 0777 157 132

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Interested dam liner 50m squre

    • Good evening Patrick,

      Our dam liners are available in every size

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Am looking for Plastic Liner for Mud Pit. 0.5mm, Length 50M and width 6m per roll and i need 40 rolls

    • Good morning Richard,

      We’ll call you shortly to discuss your 0.5mm dam liner cost by rolls

      Best regards,

      Customer Service

  • Hi. I’ve excavated a pond 12m x 6m x 2m. Kindly advise on the liner requirements and cost via email. Thank you.

    Stella Mwaura
    • Good morning Stella,

      We will share your 0.5mm dam liner cost on email

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • With ksh. 50,000 amni able to have a 100,000 litres capacity dam based on your costings? Somewhere in Bondo

    Caleb Agoro
    • Good morning Caleb,

      Yes, with Kes 50,000 we will supply you with a 0.5mm dam liner in Bondo via our Kisumu office to hold 100 cubic litres

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Good Evening,
    Kindly make a quatation for how much it will cost you to do a dam lining of 13*13 base, 16*16 top and 3 depth. All dimensions are in meters.

    Thank you.

    • Good morning Kenneth,

      We will share your dam liner cost quotation on email

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • I want to have a pond rectangular in shape 20m by 5m by 3m. How much will the 0.75mm dam liners cost me? I am in Mbooni, Makueni County.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Good morning Nicko,

      Your 0.75mm dam liner cost is Kes 138,320. This cover the dam liner material, welding and installation.
      The material transport cost is Kes 15,000

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

      • Thank you, how do I calculate the slanting? I mean, do the measurements I have given represent the exterior then I reduce as I go deep? Would you also kindly calculate the 0.5mm ’cause the place is not rocky.
        Thanks once more.

  • I need the liner

    • Good afternoon Charles,

      What dam liner size do you need?

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Dear Grekkon, I wanted to enquire from you about dam liner details or recommendations and cost. I intend to excavate a pond measuring: Length 30meter, Width 10 meters and depth of 4 or 5 meters. this is an urgent request as I need to do this before short rains fall in my area (Kitui East)

    • Good evening Stephenson,

      Your 0.5mm dam liner cost (material, welding and installation) according to size is as below

      1. At 5M depth. 924M sq x Kes 280/M sq = Kes 258,720
      2. At 4M depth. 800M sq x Kes 280/M sq = Kes 224,000

      Please note that if your surface is stony or rocky, then your liner thickness will be 0.75mm or 1mm

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Do you have a branch in Ukunda or Mombasa ? Thanks

    Abdulhakim Alhaddia
    • Good morninh Abdulhakim,

      Our dam liners for sale in Mombasa are available from pur office located alomg JomoKenyatta avenue, opposite the Mombasa Pentecostal church

      Reach us in Mombasa on 0114 494 500

      Best regards,
      Customer Service


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