Rain hose Irrigation


Grekkon Limited is the commercial pioneer of rain hose irrigation kits in east Africa, and is the largest supplier and installer of rain hose systems in the region. This is done through the company’s 7 branches countrywide in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldore, Nyeri, Meru, and Nyahururu. Before installing  a rain pipe irigation system in a farm, we conduct a site visit to assess:

  • the water volume available 
  • crop acreage
  • crop type
  • land dimension
  • farm topography and lay out

This is the information that guides us on the design of the irrigation system to set up. If the water volume for instance is low, we recommend a more water efficient method such as drip irrigation. Alternatively, we’ll advice on a water harvesting technique to increase the water volume


Rain hose pipe

What is a rain hose irrigation system?

Rain hose systems are a new overhead way of watering crops intensely under moderate pressure. Each kit has a 100M long linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) pipe as the main accessory. The pipe is sequentially perforated at determined intervals using Nanotechnology to create tiny holes from which crops are irrigated. This technology ensures even water flow from every hole

What are the other components of a rain hose kit?

1. End-caps. They close the end of the pipe to prevent further water flow
2. Starter off-takes. They connect the rain pipe to the PVC or HDPE main line that supplies water to the rain hose from a water pump or highly elevated water tank
3. Pipe connectors. To connect one rain hose pipe to another
4. Mini valves. To control water flow to the rain hose pipe

The diameter of the pipe are; 25mm, 32mm, 40mm and 50mm. A grower chooses the preferred size based on crop water needs and area of irrigation. For instance, a farmer with 1 acre of the crop will comfortably water with the volume delivered through a 32mm rain hose pipe. Another grower with 5 acres will better irrigate with a 50mm rain hose pipe. An acre of crop uses 1,000 meters of 25mm,  800 meters of 32mm rain hose pipes, 600M of 40mm pipes, and 400M of 50mm pipes



What is the price of a rain hose irrigation kit?

Diameter size
Flow rate per 100M Price in KES
32mm or 1″  13 cubic litres per hour KES 2,600
40mm or 1-1/4” 16 cubic litres per hour KES 5,800
50mm to 1-1/2″ 22 cubic litres per hour KES 6,800


Rain hose irrigation system requirements

  • The system requires a pressure head of 30M, and above
  • When using a water pump to power the rain hose irrigation kit, the discharge rate should be from 45 cubic litres per hour 
  • The rate of water discharge is determined by the diameter size, and number of pores on the rain pipe. For instance, a rain pipe with 5 holes per cluster discharges less water than the one with 7 holes in a cluster
  • It irrigates in opposite directions at a radius of 3M for the 32mm pipe, 5M for the 40mm pipe, and 7M for the 50mm pipe
  • The vertical height of this water jet is 1M


Irrigating a newly transplanted crop with a rain hose pipe

How to assemble a rain hose irrigation system kit

1. Lay the mainline

This is the pipe delivering irrigation water to the farm from the pump. Your mainline will be larger in size than the rain hose pipe. So if your rain hose pipe is 1” for instance, use a 1.5” or 2″ main or sub mainline

2. Connect to the mainline

Make a 1” insertion on the mainline and attach the off-take connector. The size of the insertion is as per the size of your off-take

3. Hose connection

Attach the rain hose pipe to the off-take connector

4. Hose to hose connection

Use the connector to attach one rain hose to another

5. End cap

Insert the end cap at the end of the hose

This irrigation system is used in the following areas and on these crops

  1. Crop nurseries; vegetables, fruit trees, forestry
  2. Short vegetable crops (knee-high and below); cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, kales, spinach, collards, broad beans, carrot, strawberry, and others
  3. Pasture; grass and legumes

When choosing the crop to irrigate using this method, consider its susceptibility to foliage fungal infections predisposed by leaf surface wetness. Tomato, potato, peppers, peas, green beans, and chili easily succumb to foliage fungal infections when overhead or a rain hose system is used for a long time


 Pasture irrigation with a rain hose


Rain Hose Versus Drip Irrigation

  1. Rain pipes irrigate in an overhead fashion, drip lines irrigate to the root zone
  2. Drip tapes are water efficient, rain hose kits require large water volume 
  3. Rain pipes have a higher pressure requirement than drip pipes
  4. Drip lines have emitters, while rain hose kits have pores done with nano technology
  5. The discharge rate for drip lines is 1.2 to 4 litres per hour per emitter, while the rain hose pore’s is from 7 litres per hour per emitter
  6. The cost of a drip kit installation per acre is from Kes 100,000, while the rain hose is from Kes 75,000
  7. The rain hose pipe’s minimum diameter is 25mm/ 3/4″, while drip tape’s is 8mm


Advantages Of A Rain Hose

  • water saving and cost effective
  • It is easy to install, use and maintain
  • Ran hose nanotechnology punched holes are less prone to clogging
  • It is used in a broad range of crops
  • Rain hose pipes are light and easy to move about
  • It irrigates uniformly
  • It works under both low gravity and high water pump pressure


Grekkon limited is the largest supplier and installer of rain hose irrigation systems in Kenya, and in the east and central Africa region

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Established in 2017, Grekkon Limited is a Kenyan agribusiness company. It specialises in the provision of; - Irrigation systems - Greenhouse construction - Dam liners installation - Water pumps - Solar dryers construction - Agriculture nets - Borehole drilling The company has operations offices in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nyeri, Meru, and Nyahururu

Comments (89)

  • Good morning,
    Wish to use the rain hose irrigation. My farm is 10 acres – growing chilly( ABE, long cayenne, habanero), egg plant, tomatoes and cabbage, and green maize. Please advice the availability of it in uganda( Gulu).

    Yobes Onyancha
    • Good morning Yobes,

      Our rain hose kits for sale in Uganda are available from either our Kidumu or Eldoret offices. Please share your contact number for us to reach you or call us on +254 759 000 911, or +254 711 895 635 in Kisumu and Eldoret respectively

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Am in lamu and wanted

    • Good morning Boniface,

      Our rain hose irrigation kits for sale in Kenya are available in our Mombasa office for supply to Lamu. Please share your number for us to reach you or call is in Mombasa on 0114 494 500

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Do you have a branch or an agent in Uganda?

    Quinto Rwotoyera
  • I did install rainhoses a week ago but the holes have started getting blocked and releasing very little water with feeble irregular jets. What can I do to remedy the situation

    • Good morning Nickson,

      Were those rain hose kits in Kenya by Grekkon Limited?

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

      • I would like to irrigate 1 acre of maize.
        What would be the cost of the pipes and installation.?
        My farm is in Mulot, Narok County.

        Stanley Towett
        • Good evening Stanley,

          The cost of rain hose kits for 1 acre of maize is from Kes 65,000. If we include a petrol water pump (unless you have one), then the total cost is approximately Kes 100,000.

          For us to give you a detailed quote, we have to make a site assessment visit. Please share your contact number for us to reach you

          Best regards,
          Customer Service

  • What would it cost me to get somebody to Siaya Rarieda to advice me on the installation. I have popes and water pump.

    Norah odongo
  • I need a rain horse irrigation kit for 6 acres. Kindly send me the quote

    • Good evening Nancy

      Your rain hose irrigation kit cost for 6 acres is approximately Kes 410,000 including the diesel water pump price and labour.

      However, to give you an accurate detailed quote, we have to make a site visit. Please share your number and we’ll call you back, or call us on 0715 157 132

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Good morning,
    Thank you for your educative piece of work. Kindly assist me. I need the quotation for 5 acre of land situated in isiolo.

    Simon Lele
    • Good afternoon Simon,

      We appreciate your compliment. For 5 acres, your rain hose irrigation kit price is from Kes 350,000 including the diesel water pump. For a detailed quote, we need to do site visit from our Meru office. Please advice us on the most suitable time to come over.

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • Interested

    • Good afternoon Benjamin,

      Which rain hose size interests you most?

      Best regards,
      Customer Service

  • How much would it cost me to install the rainhorse system in 1/2 (half) an acre? Kindly.

    • Why no response?

  • Can I use rainhorse on onions comfortably without worries with fungal diseases

    Donmoen Baraka
    • Good morning Donmoen,

      Yes you can use the rain hose irrigation kit in your onion crop but only irrigate in the morning, and not evening.

      Best regards,
      Customer Service


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