Birds Net

Birds Net

This prevents birds from reaching certain areas.

Available – This comes in a variety of shapes and forms, small mesh- (1 or 2cm squares).

Color: Green

  1. Birds net are side netting in greenhouse structures to prevent bird pest entry. This is in specific greenhouses where the crop requires insect pollination to fruit, such as strawberries.
  2. As a side netting for shade houses, just as in a greenhouse. To keep away flying and none flight bird pests.
  3. Fish pond cover. To protect fish from kingfisher birds in aquaculture. It is the largest use of bird nets in the country so far.
  4. As a fence and top netting in free-range chicken raring.
  5. You could use a bird net too as a fence and top netting on a small kitchen garden to keep off chicken and bird pests.

Choosing your bird net

The use of bird nets is relatively new in Kenya. However, with intense agriculture systems growing in the country, their demand increases every year. We supply green or white nets as preferred by the user. White nets reflect back excess heat so prevent the accumulation of high temperatures in a structure or fish pond. Use in warm low land locations. Green nets reflect less heat and are good in cool highland locations.

Netting is one of the most common and utilized bird control methods. It physically blocks pest birds from the desired areas. Installation must be done well not to trap birds inside. Only block them from getting in. We train farmers on the proper installation of these nets to avoid damage and tearing. This also reduces the net’s overall lifespan. Grekkon Limited encourages the use of profiles and wiggle wire during installation for this. No nailing should be done directly on the net, and excess weight must be avoided.

Dimensions400 × 5000 cm


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