Fogging System for Greenhouses


Fogging system for greenhouses in Kenya supplied and installed by Grekkon Limited works best. They are for flowers, stem cuttings, herbs, seedlings propagation units, and vegetable growers. This high-pressure fogging system for greenhouses is a cost-effective and versatile way to proper temperature and humidity. Our fog systems maintain high humidity in the greenhouse by reducing the vapor pressure in the leaf and the surrounding atmosphere. We achieve 50% to 90% humidity which minimises bacterial growth. We recommend fogging systems to achieve relative high humidity atmospheres in

  • Seedling propagation nurseries for flowers, vegetables and herbs
  • Germination chambers
  • Grafting rooms for flowers, orchards and forestry
  • Farms
  • Premises with controlled atmospheres
  • Air conditioning processes where the cooling of the air is necessary by means of evaporative conditioning


Fogging is an effective method to uniformly cool the greenhouse. It provides precise regulation of temperature and humidity for both shaded and unshaded greenhouses. Grekkon Limited’s fogging system works at very high pressure from 700M head or 70 bar. At this pressure, water droplets are 3-5microns in size. These water particles remain in the air above the crop without wetting the leaves. A high pressure pump for fogging system will be use. This pump will be electric, or a petrol or diesel generator pump. Fogging reduces irrigation water use because the plants transpire less.

How do you install a fogging system for greenhouses?

Installation of a fogging system

  1. High pressure pump

    Install a very pressure pump which will push water. This pump is connected through pipes to specialised fog nozzles

  2. Filter

    Include a 200mesh filter to remove any sediments that will block the fogging system

  3. Fanning system

    Add a cooling fan if additional air circulation is required. Keep the fogging nozzles 15 feet away from the fan. This is because the air velocity leaving the fan will disturb the droplets making them bigger

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Established in 2017, Grekkon Limited is a Kenyan agribusiness company. It specialises in the provision of; - Irrigation systems - Greenhouse construction - Dam liners installation - Water pumps - Solar dryers construction - Agriculture nets - Borehole drilling The company has operations offices in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nyeri, Meru, and Nyahururu

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